Install using: Role Manager Tool Package Password: UadyRules!
Hey everyone I want to share what we have been working during the past weeks. It’s a Salesforce package that will help Admins to see their users and Roles hierarchy and to change role to one or many users in just a few seconds.
Now let’s see how it works
When you install the package you will now see an app in the App Launcher and in you click on it you will be redirect to a page where all the magic happens.
Now let’s see how to use this app in order to change users’ role.
First select a role on the see the hierarchy of users with the selected rol as the top of it.
You will now see the hierarchy with roles and users
In order to change the rol to one or many users first you need to select the user or users.
Then select the new rol and click Reparent
Right after you click the button you will see a green alert showing that the change was correctly saved
You can immediately see the changes
As you can see make a role change take just a moment using an easy and clean User experience. I hope you like this post and remember to go and read the other post on the blog :).